Weed Stems: What Can You Do With Them?

Weed Stems: What Can You Do With Them?

Weed stems are often overlooked and considered useless in the weed world. However, there are a few different things you can do with them instead of simply throwing them away. This blog post will discuss what you can do with weed stems and how to make the most out of them.

Can You Smoke Stems?

The main question on every stoner’s mind is, “can you smoke stems?”. Technically yes, but it isn’t recommended as it can produce some nasty side effects that just aren’t worth it. For starters, weed stems contain little-to-no THC. Certainly not enough to feel “high.” While today’s cannabis averages 25% THC, weed stems have been measured to contain just 0.03%! In addition, stems are more fibrous than buds of the plant, meaning they’ll burn hotter, produce harsher smoke and irritate your lungs. Some of the adverse side effects of smoking stems include: 

  • Headaches
  • Sore Throat
  • Coughing

Users who have tried smoking stems have also reported experiencing discomfort, nausea, and abdominal pain. It’s safe to say you’re better off sticking to $100 ounces Canada.

Alternate Ways To Use Stems

Stems aren’t worth smoking, but that doesn’t mean they’re entirely useless. They can still be used in several ways. For example, you could brew a weed tea or create something else for yourself out of these generous extras–it all depends on how much material you’ve got! Here are my top three things to make using stems:

Cannabis Tea

One of the easiest and most popular ways to make your stems useful is to brew tea using them! Cannabis tea is a great choice when you have a limited amount of stems at your disposal. Not only do you get the euphoric effects and benefits of marijuana, but you’ll also get the natural benefits of tea which are reported to enhance the effects of marijuana. Here are the three simple steps to get started:

  1. Bake your stems on a baking sheet in the oven for 45 minutes at 225°F (107°C) to decarboxylate them. When finished, allow them to cool and then grind them up.
  2. Place your ground-up stems in a tea bag or a tied-up coffee filter.
  3. Steep for 7-10 minutes in boiling water.

You can optionally add honey or sweetener to mask the flavor of cannabis.

Hemp Wicks

For those who may be aware of the adverse health effects of using a lighter (butane fumes), hemp wicks are an excellent alternative. Essentially, they are slow-burning candlewick that you can use to light your joints or bowls without the butane fumes and chemicals. They are also incredibly easy to make:

  1.  Strip the stems using a sharp blade or scissors until you have a couple of long fibers.
  2. Twist them around each other to form a rope.
  3. Dip your rope into beeswax and allow it to dry


One of the most versatile ways to use your weed stems is to make cannabutter. Cannabutter is made by infusing butter with decarboxylated cannabis, infusing it with THC’s effects. The options are endless. You can add a kick to any meal, snack, or baked goods. Want to make cannabutter? Just follow these steps:

  1. Like cannabis tea, bake your stems on a baking sheet in the oven for 45 minutes at 225°F (107°C). When finished, allow them to cool, and then grind them up.
  2. Add some butter to a pan and let it melt over low heat.
  3. Once completely melted, add the ground stems and occasionally stir for 30 minutes.
  4. Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth and into a container.
  5. Wait for your butter to solidify, and enjoy! 

Combining stems with regular decarboxylated weed is recommended as stems don’t contain much THC. 

Final Thoughts

While stems can’t be smoked, that doesn’t mean they are entirely useless. They can be used to make various things to help you get the most out of your buds. Collect them and put them in a jar or bag to have them on hand when you’re ready to make something special. Have you ever made anything with cannabis stems? Let us know in the comments below.

Zak Voss