Popular Seeds: (Must Try)
- Grand Daddy Purple Autoflower Seeds (Indica)
- Super Skunk Feminized Seeds (High THC)
- Bruce Banner Autoflower Seeds (Very High THC)

Which US states google what does 420 mean the most? We’ve analyzed Google Trends to see which states google the meaning of the numbers 420 the most. Is the list what you thought it would be?
What The Values Mean
All data was taken from Google Trends for the last 12 months and for the United States only. These rankings are relative to the total number of Google searches done per state, so all states have an even playing field.
The most popular US state has a value of 100, and all other states are compared to that. A value of 50 means a state does half as many searches as the top scoring state, when scaled against total number of searches.
Scroll down to see the complete list!

Full List
- Montana = 100
- Alaska = 82
- Oklahoma = 73
- Wyoming = 68
- 67 (tied)
- Utah
- Delaware
- Oregon = 66
- Mississippi = 62
- 61 (tied)
- Maine
- Maryland
- West Virginia = 60
- Wisconsin = 58
- 57 (tied)
- Pennsylvania
- Idaho
- 55 (tied)
- Michigan
- Washington
- 54 (tied)
- Nebraska
- Georgia
- New Mexico
- 53 (tied)
- Minnesota
- Vermont
- 52 (tied)
- Indiana
- Ohio
- Massachusetts = 51
- 49 (tied)
- Arkansas
- South Carolina
- Arizona
- 48 (tied)
- North Carolina
- Kentucky
- Colorado
- 47 (tied)
- Hawaii
- Texas
- North Dakota
- Nevada
- 46 (tied)
- Rhode Island
- Illinois
- 45 (tied)
- Iowa
- South Dakota
- Florida = 44
- 43 (tied)
- Missouri
- California
- 42 (tied)
- Kansas
- Alabama
- Virginia = 40
- Tennessee = 39
- New York = 38
- Louisiana = 36
- New Hampshire = 34
- Connecticut = 31
- New Jersey = 27
Special Mentions
So the first special mention has got to go to Alaska. They are the highest ranking state on this list with legal recreational weed. Initially I thought they must have an older population, but it turns out they have the second youngest population in the country. Man was I wrong. Only 11.8% of Alaska’s population is 65+. The only state with a younger population is Utah, with 11.1% of the state being aged 65+.
Sativa Vs Indica – Google Trends Analysis
Another interesting yet unsurprising trend is what time of year people search for the meaning of 420. You probably guessed it, it’s around 04/20. Much like all of the states being bench-marked against the highest state with a score of 100, so to is the countries interest over time. Generally the countries interest gets a score around 10 for the whole year. But for the two weeks around 20th April last year, these values skyrocketed to 100 and 91.
If we look at the metro areas (not covered in this list), the top two areas are in the same state. Amarillo and Beaumont-Port Arthur, Texas both had a far higher interest than any other metro areas in the country.
If you’ve enjoyed this analysis make sure to check out which states search for bongs the most. And also which states worry about having weed in their system.